Certificates | Kurotych πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

My Certificates

Certificate 1
Data engineering and security 2025. Winter school (02.2025)
Certificate 1
Certificate of participation and presentation. 7th Workshop for Young Scientistsin Computer Science & Software Engineering. (12.2024)
Certificate 1
Introduction to internet of things (IOT) (09.2024)
Certificate 1
5G Network Fundamentals (06.2023)
Certificate 1
4G Network Fundamentals (04.2023)
Certificate 1
Docker - Deep Dive (04.2022)
Certificate 1
Combinatorics and Probability (11.2021)
Certificate 1
Mathematical Thinking in Compu ter Science (10.2021)
Certificate 1
Decentralized Applications (Dapps) (8.2021)
Certificate 1
Smart Contracts (8.2021)
Certificate 1
Blockchain Basics (2.2021)
Certificate 1
The Rust Programming Language (11.2019)
Certificate 1
Programming in C++ (continued) (05.2019)
Certificate 1
Introduction to Computer Architecture. Operating System Elements. (06.2018)
Certificate 1
Development of web services in Go - Part 2 (04.2018)
Certificate 1
Development of web services in Go - the basics of the language (04.2018)
Certificate 1
Javascript for beginners (10.2017)
Certificate 1
Multithreaded programming in C/C++ (07.2017)
Certificate 1
Python Programming (07.2017)
Certificate 1
Basics of programming for Linux (03.2017)
Certificate 1
Functional programming in Haskell (02.2017)
Certificate 1
C++ Advanced (01.2017)
Certificate 1
Introduction in Linux (01.2017)
Certificate 1
Cisco IT Essentials (10.2016)