My Certificates

Data engineering and security 2025. Winter school (02.2025)

Certificate of participation and presentation. 7th Workshop for Young Scientistsin Computer Science & Software Engineering. (12.2024)

Introduction to internet of things (IOT) (09.2024)

5G Network Fundamentals (06.2023)

4G Network Fundamentals (04.2023)

Docker - Deep Dive (04.2022)

Combinatorics and Probability (11.2021)

Mathematical Thinking in Compu ter Science (10.2021)

Decentralized Applications (Dapps) (8.2021)

Smart Contracts (8.2021)

Blockchain Basics (2.2021)

The Rust Programming Language (11.2019)

Programming in C++ (continued) (05.2019)

Introduction to Computer Architecture. Operating System Elements. (06.2018)

Development of web services in Go - Part 2 (04.2018)

Development of web services in Go - the basics of the language (04.2018)

Javascript for beginners (10.2017)

Multithreaded programming in C/C++ (07.2017)

Python Programming (07.2017)

Basics of programming for Linux (03.2017)

Functional programming in Haskell (02.2017)

C++ Advanced (01.2017)

Introduction in Linux (01.2017)