Building and Deploying Rust Binaries Across Linux Distributions.

The Rust ecosystem has numerous platforms and extensive documentation to support cross-compilation features. But does it work as expected? Well, if your binary has few shared library dependencies, then it likely will. Compiling for x86_64-unknown-linux-musl significantly increases the likelihood that your binary will operate across different Linux distributions. However, the reality in production can be quite different. We still encounter dependency hell, and many Rust crates rely on shared libraries that may have varying names and paths. ...

February 11, 2024

Minimal Setup: Configuring Rust Debugger in Neovim

Prerequirements You know how to setup and configure neovim plugins. You use UNIX-like OS Step-by-Step guide Install the next neovim plugins nvim-dap nvim-dap-ui -- Example with packer.nvim use("mfussenegger/nvim-dap") use { "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui", requires = {"mfussenegger/nvim-dap"} } Install vscode-lldb Download file specific to your system Unpack it by unzip utility. In my case I unpacked it to ~/Sources/lldb The result of execution unzip codelldb-x86_64-linux.vsix in ~/Sources/lldb: codelldb execution file is available by path: ~/Sources/lldb/extension/adapter Configure nvim-dap in your init.lua ...

February 20, 2023