Minimal Setup: Configuring Rust Debugger in Neovim

Prerequirements You know how to setup and configure neovim plugins. You use UNIX-like OS Step-by-Step guide Install the next neovim plugins nvim-dap nvim-dap-ui -- Example with packer.nvim use("mfussenegger/nvim-dap") use { "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui", requires = {"mfussenegger/nvim-dap"} } Install vscode-lldb Download file specific to your system Unpack it by unzip utility. In my case I unpacked it to ~/Sources/lldb The result of execution unzip codelldb-x86_64-linux.vsix in ~/Sources/lldb: codelldb execution file is available by path: ~/Sources/lldb/extension/adapter Configure nvim-dap in your init.lua ...

February 20, 2023